Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 22, 2011

One day at a time.

I am now 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Monday I have a simple check up, but it's the appointment on the 31st that is making me nervous. At my 9 week exam the doc discovered that my cervical cells have changed. This could mean nothing, or it could be a problem. There isn't much they can do to fix this until after baby is born because messing with the cervix is just not a good idea in pregnancy. So on Jan 31st they will just take a closer look at my cervical cells so they can see how severe or not sever the changes are. From what I understand this is a pretty common issue so hopefully everything is fine. Because of light spotting and cramping my doc has recommend I take it easy over the next few days, but at this point we're not too concerned about it. Riley has a lot of fun looking over the pregnancy books with me and hearing about how baby is growing. He loves the pictures and since they are "actual size" pictures he is getting a kick out of seeing how big baby is each week. I love that he's excited and we are talking a bit about how life will change when baby comes. I hope I can schedule date nights with Ri after baby comes so we will be sure to just have Ri and I time through the week. He needs daddy nights too of course. I have been feeling ranom little flutters and at this stage it's hard to say if it's baby or just my body making internal changes and such. A few more weeks and I should start feeling the for sure, real thing. I can't wait. Our next official prenatal appointment is Valentines Day. I can't wait to hear our little ones heartbeat again. The next 6-10 weeks of waiting to find out the sex will hopefully fly by.

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