Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sometimes plans change

Yesterday at my 36 week appointment I had an ultrasound. It was wonderful seeing our little man again. The tech pointed out some hair on his sweet giant head, and he slept through the whole thing. She estimated his weight to be 7lbs 7 ounces and he was measuring about 2 weeks ahead in growth. My doctor and I spoke in length about him being larger than average (92nd percentile) and we decided to schedule a c section for July 27th if Carver does not come on his own beore then. I would love to get my VBAC, but I also know the risks go up as Carver gets bigger and this will probably be the safest way if he doesn't arrive on his own before then. I am excited and nervous and really hope my body does things on it's own before the 27th but if not I feel I'm making the right choice for me and baby. During my appointment yesterday they measured my blood pressure 3 times and it was too high. I was sent to birthplace to be monitored for an hour and luckily it came down. This weekend was our annual camping trip but doc told me I'm on bedrest til at least Monday when she can see me again and check on my blood pressure. I will make a day trip, at least, with a friend but other than that I will be staying in bed growing our newest addition. Ri and Jeromy will hopefully have a great time up in the hills enjoying some bonding time. Right now, each day is one more day closer to meeting Carver. We are all so excited and grateful that right now he's safe and healthy. 19 days or less and we will finally meet the little man we've been dreaming about for so long.

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