Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 11, 2011

They never stop amazing you

Riley turned 4 on April 3rd! I cannot believe my little baby is such a little man. I was watching him sleep a couple of weeks ago and it hit me, he does not look like a sleeping baby/toddler anymore. He looks like a child. His face is taking on a sharper look and isn't as pudgy and round anymore. Where does the time go? His baby brother is itching to grow up and move out of my belly already. At my 20 weeks ultrasound he was almost a week ahead. At 23 weeks he was two weeks ahead and now at 24 weeks he is 3 weeks ahead! Our doctor isn't worried yet but will be keeping a close eye on his growth and may do another ultrasound in the third trimester to make sure he isn't getting TOO big. Ri is still enjoying Carver kicks and I get a little obsessed with staring at his kicks and punches. He likes to "run" from our doctor so it always makes figuring his heart rate interesting. I don't sleep nearly as much or as long as I'd like to since my bladder cannot go more than a couple hours without needing to be emptied, but I feel ok. My "morning" sickness has been showing back up in the evenings and making life fun again, but my hips and pubic bone haven't been causing as much pain as a few weeks ago. It seems like I have a long way to go before meeting Carver until I think weeks. When I think it's only about 16 weeks til I meet him it seems like it's just around the corner.