Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 months already!

Oh what a wonderful 5 months it has been! Carver is such an amazing addition to our family. Last month he started eating solids and is loving the variety. He is still nursing and growing like crazy. There is too much to cover in one entry and I have been so busy I forget this blog even exists. Carver is one of the happiest babies I know. He recently decided it's hilarious any time I yell or use my "mean mom" voice with Riley or daddy. He also thinks it's funny to bite me while nursing because it makes me yell. There is so much joy inside this little guy that he makes my heart melt every time he smiles (and that is a lot). Riley is really enjoying Carver these days. He's a lot more fun than that lump we brought home from the hospital and Riley thinks being a big brother is a pretty awesome job. I'm so proud of the concern and care he shows when it comes to his baby brother. I still can't believe it's been almost half a year since we met our youngest son! I forgot how quickly time flies. Riley is preparing to go to kindergarten next year and it seems like just yesterday we were getting anxious to meet him! I wouldn't mind at all if time slowed down a little so I could enjoy them this little just a tiny bit longer.